Tag Archives: ready

Prep and Pack


                 As I am starting to get more used to traveling (alone. So sad), I realize there are places I want to stay longer at, and places I am ready to leave after a day or two. It is not always about how comfortable I feel or how safe the place is; it usually has to do with what I can do. For example, I love beaches (wow, if you say that really fast, people may get the wrong meaning), but there are really limited things I can do. I love reading by sea, watching sunset, enjoying the sight/sound/smell. However, with my sight limitation, I am hesitant to try surfing or kite surfing. Being in Mancora for 5 days was a luxury (time wise), but I am so ready to move on to Ecuador. With Ecuador, Columbia, Cuba and Brazil to go, I am actually starting to feel the time crunch (guess my time management aide is starting to raise its ugly head). 

I woke up feeling tired, especially since the bartenders decides to have an impromptu table tennis match outside one of my room window. Since this is the low season, there are not a lot of guests in the hostel. All these bartenders have been staying here for a while (more than a month usually), so there are always more bartenders than guests. Plus, with volunteer as bartenders, there are always very drunk bartenders by the end of he night. (Maybe that’s how the hostel is making money?!). I slowly dragged my rear to breakfast: first in the hostel for 2 pieces of bread and coffee, then to Green Eggs and Ham for eggs, fruit salad and a milk shake.

The afternoon was spent on going for a long run to the south beaches. If you ever visit Mancora, I highly suggest staying at the South Beach. It is a lot less crowded (well, deserted at this time of the year), and the hotels there look amazing. They all have beach chairs, pillows, hammocks, bar, sofas, etc. With amazing scenery, nice fine sand (well, not white sand, but super soft), lots of readily available alcohol, I think it is the perfect vacation spot for everyone. I mean, the beach is so expansive that you can send kids to run in either direction. To the birth, they will be stopped by the military. To the south: they can run all the Rayo wn the coast.

The evening was spent finding a good place for dinner, packing my bags and trying very hard to sleep early (we shall see how the last one fare). I am relatively happy I got to spend quality rest time in Mancora. However, I think it is also time I continue my journey. Seeing all these “volunteer bartenders” in the hostel has made me realize how easy it is to get comfortable during a short stay that eventually turns into a long extended stay. Personally, I feel I have miles to go and lots to do before I can rest. (Hmm…I think someone famous once said the same thing. Probably a poem…)
(Yes, I know who wrote that poem, and whom. Kudos to my literature teacher!)