Tag Archives: ghost

Rock and Abrasion 


         You always want your injury to be impressive (I guess no one wants j juries, but if you can choose), a story that you can retell to friends, families and even strangers with gusto, impressing everyone. But you also want injuries to be non-life threatening, for obvious reason (can’t really tell a story from grave, right? Unless ghost exist. Hmm. Haunting would be interesting). But then again, you can’t really dictate how and the extend of injuries (unless you are a masocist?) most of the time. It is quite the dilemma.

I woke up today with the best of intentions: go for a run, but my bus ticket to Guayaquil (then to Cuenca. I was told it is better to cross border with Cruz Del Sur. CIFA has some shady stories of travelers getting drugged?!), eat breakfast at a place call Green Eggs and Ham, walk to the south beach during low tide, and then grab dinner. I woke up around 7:30am and atarted my run on the beach. It was a nice day, and the beach was already crowded. About 25 minutes in, I can across an area where the waves were crashing against rocks. Knowing the water was not that deep, I decided to walk across (since I saw sand on the other end). 

Of course, a strong wave decided to materialize then and there, and I was literally picked up and crashed against the rocks. I was surprised, and immediately knew my iPod is done for. I staggered back to the dry sand, trying in vain to dry my iPod, with my already soaked clothes. It was only when I looked down that I realized/ I had abrasion all over my right thigh, and it was bleeding pretty heavily. I washed it with seawater the best I could (to get rid of sand) , and then walked gingerly back to my hostel.

After bleeding all over the shower, I stop wasting blood and managed to access the damage: it is mostly flesh wound, but quite a bit of skin was torn during the close and personal encounter with rocks. I went to the pharmacy and got some anti-inflammatory cream (well, I meant I pointed to my leg, using some bad Spanish to get medication. I must say, the lady did not even bat an eyelash and just calmly told me to get the cream. I guess she must see a lot of wounds working in a surf town? But at least I can safely say she is not a vampire…)

The rest of the day was spent on trying not to tear the wounds. I went to brunch at Green Eggs and Ham, and was suitably impressed. They have really good omelets and I think I will go there for breakfast. I did also walk (well, limped) to the bus station and get their bus schedule. 

So, I am sorry for this very boring (albeit bloody) entry . Everyone who saw the wound asked if it was from surfing (or kite surfing). I wish I could have said it was, or told them I was stuck between a shark and a hard place (heh. Hard place). But I guess the reality and truth  is often less exciting than what we want. However, u do know that I really want less of such excitement in my life. I like to have all my body parts (skin I a body part too!) intact when I finally finish my trip. 

(Although it would have been cool if I really got stuck between a shark and a hard place….as long as I survive and can write a blog about it.)